Hear this out loudPauseOnce the Legendary Coyote is dead, approach the body and skin it. You’ll pick up a Legendary Coyote pelt, as well as a Coyote Fang and some meat. Stow the pelt on the back of your horse and head for the trapper – the closest location is probably the one in Saint Denis, but it’s a fair hike to any of them from here.
Take it to the trapper! The closest one to camp is on the hill a few steps NE of Riggs Station.
You can only sell pelts and carcasses to the trapper or butcher.
The Fang is used to craft the Coyote Fang Trinket, which increases your Dead Eye XP gains by 10%.
Once you have hunted some Legendary Animals and turned in their pelts to the Trapper, you’ll be able to make yourself eight fancy new outfits. These aren’t the only outfits that the Trapper can make you, but we’re going to focus on the ones that require Legendary Animal pelts.
RDR2’s Carolina Parakeet is a small, green-and yellow-colored bird that only spawns in Lemoyne. Its small size and color make it extremely difficult to spot among the swampy foliage, which makes it notoriously elusive. Parakeets are one of the hardest animals to hunt because of how easy they are to startle.
Good luck finding and killing the hardest legendary animals in RDR2.
Killing this animal will give you the opportunity to craft the rare Coyote Fang Trinket, the Legendary Coyote Mountain Hat, the Legendary Coyote Half Chaps and to finish The Huntsman outfit.
The Perfect Coyote Pelt can be used along with a Perfect Ox Hide to craft the Coyote Scout Jacket in the Bronco Buster Garment at the Trapper. The Perfect Coyote Pelt can be used to craft Coyote Gambler’s Hat in the Night Wrangler Garment at the Trapper.
The pelt/materials will be transported and purchased via the trapper or fence. Basically what this means is that even if you DIDNT SKIN THE ANIMAL (but killed it already)/ or somehow lose its skin, materials will be automatically be available in trapper’s inventory for crafting.
However, if you leave a Legendary Animal kill unlooted, the items will automatically be sent to the nearest Trapper.
While you will not be able to sell the pelt for in-game cash when it is lost or unable to be skinned from the animal, the defeat of Legendary Animals is recorded by the Trapper and any materials from Legendary Animals needed to craft in-game items or resources will be available at the Trapper.
The Trapper in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a special merchant that can appear in several locations around the world, and will use pelts from Legendary Animals to craft unique outfits and gear for Arthur.
If you’re looking to make some cash for yourself, though, you’ll have to sell those animal parts to a Butcher or the Trapper. There are Butchers in Valentine, Strawberry, Rhodes, Saint Denis, Blackwater and Tumbleweed. You can identify them by the cleaver icon on your map.
Red Dead Redemption 2
You don’t sell the carcass. You must sell the pelt to Gus, then it will be tracked as turned in and you can craft whatever applies if you have the RDO$. You MUST skin them.
Unfortunately, the Legendary Pronghorn is west of the River, guarded by that sniper. So, no, it’s not possible to get the trinket before the Epilogue.
Legendary animals do not respawn, but they give enough of their materials to make everything related to them. So, the legendary bear clothing needs like 3 legendary bear pelts for the full set. Once you kill the legendary bear, even if you don’t skin, you will get 3 legendary bear pelts to use at the Trapper.
Depends, if you want meat then skin, if not carry whole thing to trappers. Either way you get unique items in your satchel to craft trinkets and talismans. You should eat them to gain their abilities.
The Legendary Ram is in the hills just north of the railroad, slightly east of Cattail Poind, across the Dakota River to the east of Valentine.
How To Find The Legendary Milk Coyote in Red Dead Online. The player will need to reach at least rank 5 in their Naturalist role for the Legendary Milk Coyote to appear. Players will be able to encounter one during Harriet Davenport’s Legendary Animal Sighting missions.
The panther is probably the hardest non-legendary animal to hunt in Red Dead Redemption 2. It’s rare, quick, and deadly.
Legendary Moose
The Legendary Moose’s location is near Roanoke Ridge somewhere at the northeast part of the map. The moose is not aggressive and it’s honestly one of the easier Legendary Animal hunts in Red Dead Redemption 2.