Daughter of Molly Hopkins Charged with Violating Probation

Earlier this year, 90 Day Fiance fans followed along uncomfortably over the ugly mess of Molly Hopkins, Olivia, Kelly Brown, and Cynthia Decker.

Molly and Cynthia, longtime besties, had an ugly falling out. Molly also broke up with Kelly — who allegedly “choke-slammed” Molly’s young adult daughter, Olivia.

And how, authorities have arrested Olivia for something unrelated.

Meanwhile, some fans are despairing on Molly’s behalf. A year ago, things were going so well. Has she lost everything?

Instagram blogger @kikiandkibbitz first reported that Cherokee County officials arrested Olivia Hopkins on April 4.

The charge was that she allegedly violated her probation.

Online records, Starcasm reports, indicate that Olivia is currently still in custody at the Cherokee County Adult Detention Center. However, no one can confirm that. It is possible that she is no longer in custody.

The charge is that Olivia allegedly violated her probation.

She is currently on 12 months of probation after entering a guilty plea for simple battery, family violence back in February.

And that case was over an alleged altercation with her mother, Molly Hopkins. No part of this is not sad, and no part of it is not messy.

Allegedly, Olivia struck Molly multiple times, and also kicked her at least once in the leg. Obviously, that should really never happen.

When Olivia entered a guilty plea, she received 12 months of probation — and numerous conditions.

Allegedly, she has since “failed to enter a Family Violence Intervention Program within 14 days of sentencing” and “failed to test at the Cherokee County Drug Lab” twice in March.

Allegedly, Olivia also tested positive for fentanyl on March 1, with a lab later confirming the test.

Fentanyl has become “infamous” in recent years. It is a powerful painkiller, but law enforcement has brought it up in the context of dubious horror stories. At times, police have made medically unlikely claims about fentanyl “poisoning.”

It is, however, a controlled substance. While the criminalization of what people consensually put into their own bodies is a human rights nightmare, this was a violation of her probation. Fortunately, initial reports do not reflect any new charges regarding fentanyl use — just the probation violation.

From what we can tell, it sounds like Olivia’s charges follow a very recent filing to withdraw her guilty plea over the simple battery charge.

Why? According to Olivia’s filing, she lacked adequate representation, did not voluntarily make her plea, and felt coerced or intimidated at the time of the plea.

She also alleged that the plea did not reflect the reality of her innocence or guilt. On the one hand, this sounds odd. At the same time … false confessions and even false pleas are extremely, infamously common across the country. Many people feel that they have no other choice. We do not know the details of Olivia’s situation.

Meanwhile, fans have argued that all of this plays into Molly’s downfall. She lost her man, her bestie, her business partner (who was also her bestie). Olivia is having issues. And it’s unclear what Molly’s future on the franchise will be.

Molly has clapped back at all of this. She says that she’s feeling better than before, and has even lost weight.

It is possible that fans are viewing Molly through negative headlines, and not seeing the bigger picture of her life. Or maybe she’s just putting a positive spin on things.
